Here's another one.
About 10-15 years ago, I was at the Compton Trad Rendezvous with my very young daughter. We were eating at a table somewhere on the property, and a stranger walked up and started a conversation with us. He was a trad bowhunter of course, and ended up inviting me that day to hunt on his many deer properties, about an hour from my home. He took me out, taught me several things, and basically treated me like a client while he was the "guide". I hunted there several times. Never took a shot, although I had a few opportunities. He had been so kind to me that I didn't want to take a chance at wounding a deer on his property, so I had decided I'd only take a high percentage shot. I won't share any names, but I'm sure a lot of guys on TG would recognize him. That was a real nice thing to do for a fairly inexperienced deer hunter (ME), and I hope I have a chance someday to do something similar for someone else.