I sanded all the epoxy off the risers and they look good with the Padauk and some Alcohol.

I printed more templates and cut windows so I could see the first strip and line up for the next strip, double side tape again and ready for the bandsaw and pattern sanding.

I got my taper lams, parallel lams and veneers milled to width, also measured the stack thickness so I would know exactly how thick to mill the last lams (Maple parallels).
Bamboo tapers for under the back glass and Hard rock maple for the belly side.

This is "The hog thickness sander", I love it, very accurate, I use my Grizzly Drum sander but I finish everything with the Hog, NO snipe. It's a push/pull type, Just keep the lam moving and a final pass with no adjustment and it's good.

I can sand short pieces (scrap 6") with it for over/under lays, tip wedges and Butt wedges.
It has a solid aluminum drum and very fine table adjustment for the thickness.