I would suggest an ILF bow to start.
The two most important things on a bow are your grip and your tiller (and how they interact.)
On an ILF bow, these are both adjustable. You will be able to find your “sweet spot” for nock height, tiller, and grip for your fixed crawl.
I am of the opinion if your nock point is more than 1/2” above level, you’ve either got a tillering problem or a technique problem (usually heeling the bow or a poor release.) You can get away with tuning away issues with high nock point shooting targets, but when you start hunting with big broadheads you run into issues with poor arrow flight and/or poor penetration.
ILF can be a wonderful tool to find what works best for you. You can then select those attributes and pass them onto your bowyer. I actually have my wood bows built with a 1/8”-1/4” negative tiller. I was able to hone in on that thanks to ILF bows. Any good bowyer can accommodate this request. The simple “split finger” or “3-under” standard tillers are not good enough for what custom bows cost, IMO.