I've spent the last year or so trying to rehab myself from some spinal issues, and it definitely can get really frustrating when you look back at the things you used to do before. It can be demoralizing, if you let it be.
It took me a while, but I came to the conclusion that life only moves forward. All we can do if we really love something is try our hardest to do it to the best of our current ability, and keep in mind that there are lots of people out there who can't even do that much. It would be way too easy to be in that category, the way life often works. You still have the ability to shoot, and that is huge.
Your first two shots in that one picture, are deadly. As you gain strength, and coordination, it should only get better. Take one step at a time, do any rehab exercises you have religiously, and try not to overdo it. Eat well, get lots of rest, and let your body heal after each session, and it will begin to adapt for better endurance in your chosen activity. I suspect the flyers are just some muscle somewhere telling you its not quite where it needs to be, just yet. It will come around.
I think a lot of these rehab things come down to having the will to grind through. You're out there shooting, and that, sir, is a huge step in the right direction! I admire that.