I'm sorry this is such a short notice, but I've been gone a lot. I'm having two more of my whitetail hunting seminars next week in rural Wisconsin. The first will be Monday, May 6th in Kingston, WI and the second will be on Wednesday May 8th in Cashton, WI. I want to clarify these will be two-hour seminars on my personal whitetail hunting strategies and techniques, not necessarily bowhunting, although I only hunt with a recurve. The general formats will be the same: Doors open at 5PM and seminars are 6PM-8PM. Adults will be $15. and kids 14 years and under are Free. The concept is to share my personal proven methods with the adults in hopes they will in turn take the kids out into the woods and hand down some of the old woodsmanship skills we've been losing the last few years.
I've already done about twenty of these lectures nationally this year. These will be the last ones until maybe August/ September. If you're in the neighborhood swing by. Best of luck to all. Thanks. Barry Wensel