I have Terry... carefully faired, so there is no quill edge. I've also trimmed really carefully too, and used thread to wrap as well, on some of the carbons I've built myself (pain in the arse!). The sets I have tuned with the higher poundage bows I shoot now, and regularly, don't nick at all. I COULD shoot them bare handed.
The trouble being, when I was restarting shooting after a long hiatus, I moved up pretty rapidly in poundage, and did a lot of experimenting with various arrows, lots bought, some built before I learned a few tricks. That was the point at which my nicks were happening, and I got "gun shy" so to speak, so started using the glove then. I just became used to it, I guess, and frankly, am too lazy to go back and go over a LOT of arrows that I probably won't spend much time with again, removing burrs.
I still go back from time to time and shoot them though, so its nice not to have to worry if I shoot a shitty arrow, and the glove has long become a habitual thing.