@ simk
(Bear in mind I am just an enthusiastic ametuer)
Core was tapered in a belt sander. I eyeballed it... Nothing scientific.
I toasted the living sh!t out of the belly. Used a basic heat gun holding jig and moved it every 30 seconds. Went back by hand and evened up the color.
I clamped the riser onto a block, rubber banded (inner tubes) the lams, propped the tips up higher than the riser, then brought mid limb back down to the neutral plane with clamps. My belly was flat when all was said and done.
I glued the core to the belly first, then riser, short lam, and back separate. (I call it a tri lam because there are three main lams in the working limbs. However, there is a VERY thin and tapered lam in the center, 24 inches long, that I use in this kinda build to help ease the belly, core and back together at the end of the fades).
I shoot three under, so I normally do minimal positive tiller. This on is almost dead nuts even.
Also, boo seems to be stubborn to change via scraping... prepare for a longer tillering session.
Meadowlark Adventure Gear is a youtube channel and online store. He got me on this type of build and is a wealth of knowledge. He also answers phone questions, and will take time to help.