I have been fortunate to spend a lot of time elk hunting in quality areas.
Taken my share of both bulls and cows and more importantly been with other hunters who have also been successful.
I am not optimistic that you can shoot through the scapula of a mature animal with any archery set-up. May be able to get through the thin part...but through the center ???
(Dr. Asby (sp?)as we all know has done a lot of research and study on this and he could very well be right but its some thing I need to see for myself)
These photos are the real deal. The first arrow centered the scapula and the second one was through both lungs.
My equipment runs from 55 to 60 lbs, arrow weight of 550 grains.
Another factor. A scapula hit is a very high hit. Say you got through far enough to take out one lung...your chances of killing that elk and recovering it are very, very slim.
Even taking out both lungs you are probably not going to have a blood trail and tracking may be extremely difficult.
If you are hunting in the snow then that changes things quite a bit.
While we are talking elk...in my experience, leaving an elk lay overnight really screws up the taste of the meat. Take the late afternoon shot only if you are prepared to quarter and hang him right then and there. Your efforts will be rewarded!