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Author Topic: elk weight poll  (Read 1343 times)

Offline String Cutter

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elk weight poll
« on: May 20, 2008, 08:08:00 PM »
to VOTE u need to have atleast taken 2 elk and/ or 5 yrs of elk hunting under your belt. Really want to know from the people that have done it and not just read about it... (like me))
What weight bow do you use for elk hunting???
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Offline Kingwouldbe

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2008, 09:36:00 PM »
String, I've shot a few with 60lb and a few with 55lb, now that I have read Doctor Ashby's reports I have my new Bow, it's 2 weeks old.

Habu Viper-con double carbon longbow 60" 65lb @ 28
I am still working up some killer arrows, right now I have a 657gr. Easton excel 300, smoking out of it, I might add another 50-100 grains, so if I do accidentally hit a scapula I will get through.

Hope this helps

Offline LKH

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2008, 09:46:00 PM »
With trad gear it doesn't matter what you shoot if you make a poor hit.  I shoot a 69# Harrison Lobo.  Even with that and a 680 grain arrow, the front leg bone will stop an arrow and destroy a Zwickey.  I do think you should shoot fairly heavy bows and even more importantly, arrows.  Stick to two blade broadheads.

Offline Gordon martiniuk

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2008, 10:11:00 PM »
Elk are very tough I too have shot elk with a bow and all I can say I agree with Kingwouldbe 55 to 60 lbs with a very heavy arrow 700 or so gr and you will be ok those that say 40 to 50 lbs are  not setting themselves up for sucess they may get lucky from time to time but my money is on much more bow for Elk as Elk ribs are very curved an thick   :thumbsup:    :archer:

Offline String Cutter

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2008, 10:44:00 PM »
Heres the breakdown so far for the poll.For guys like me that aint Quilf. to vote
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Offline overbo

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2008, 10:52:00 PM »
I killed a 6x7 last year w/ a 65lbs @ 27'' Vyperkahn w/ a 560gr Easton FMJ w/ a 200gr Ace 2 blade.
Shot 30yrds,bull walking at a quick pace.Arro went thru the shoulder blade,centered the rib under the blade went between ribs on the opposite side and buried just under the hide.He traveled 50yrds and was dead.
Years back I shot a herd bull at 30+yrds standing broadside w/ a 64lbs @27'' w/ a 465gr carbon tipped w/ a 160 snuffer.Centered the rib cage and penatration was much less than desired.Lost that bull.Still get sick today about it

Offline Trux Turning

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2008, 11:50:00 PM »
I've taken 4 elk -52# at my 27" draw- My hunting buddy uses a 55# and has taken 3 elk with that bow. The last couple of years I've been using a 57# bow- still waiting for success with this bow.

Offline Jesse Minish

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2008, 12:35:00 AM »
I have taken some elk and I shoot into the upper end of the bow weight spectrum. But I would shoot an elk with a 45-50# bow as long as I had a heavy arrow and a sharp two blade. I think people are getting to caught up in what other people are saying about what is needed. When I started shooting we new nothing about foc or this, that and everything else and no body had trouble killing deer, elk, bear or any other big animals. It was all common sense, practice use a sharp broad head and a great flying arrow and you can kill anything you want. To many people want to blame their set up instead of a bad shot or bad tracking abilities.

Online frassettor

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #8 on: May 21, 2008, 09:33:00 AM »
Jesse, I have never shot an elk, and will not chime in on something I dont know about, but I thought what you said was great " When I started shooting we new nothing about foc or this, that and everything else and no body had trouble killing deer, elk, bear or any other big animals. It was all common sense, practice use a sharp broad head and a great flying arrow and you can kill anything you want. To many people want to blame their set up instead of a bad shot or bad tracking abilities."
   :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:      :thumbsup:
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Offline String Cutter

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2008, 10:25:00 AM »
40-45  0% (0)    
45-50  6% (2)    
50-55  17% (6)    
55-60  39% (14)    
60-65  31% (11)    
65-70  8% (3)    
70+  0% (0)
36 real world votes so far...
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Offline Bowhunter4life

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2008, 11:38:00 AM »
Really depends on the bow in question's performance, and not so much it's draw weight.  I've got mid 50# bows that shoot the same arrow faster than other mid 60# bows I've owned.

Arbitrary bow poundage isn't the real question, but rather bow performance.  A certain weight arrow should be shot a specific fps to deem a bow legal, not what its poundage actually is or better yet whatever happens to be written on the bow.  

Both fps and actual bow weight will get checked by Fish and Game about the same amount of times in the field as the bow weight written on the bow, in my experience.
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Offline Longbow rookie

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2008, 11:40:00 AM »
Now that the criteria has been broken I'm going to chime in as well.  Being a rookie I have also never shot an elk.  However, now that we have access to invaluable amounts of information regarding maximum arrow penetration, utilizing FOC, single-bevel heads(MA), arrow mass, etc...

Why not take advantage of it and increase our chances of clean kills and quicker recovery?

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Offline Steve C.

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #12 on: May 21, 2008, 11:56:00 AM »
I have shot two elk with a 57#@28" longbow. My draw is 28". Shots were 8 yards and 11 yards. One with 125 gr. 3 blade snuffer and other with 125 gr. 2 blade magnus. After shot cow called and had both animal come back and drop within eye sight. Both shots were complete pass thru's.
Steve C.

Offline Herdbull

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #13 on: May 21, 2008, 12:04:00 PM »
String cutter, your brackets are a little confusing. A 60# bow could could go into 55-60 or 60-65 for example. :>)

Online Stringwacker

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #14 on: May 21, 2008, 01:01:00 PM »
Ive taken elk with the following setups:

Spike- 75 pounds Martin Hatfield with a 2219 and a Rocky Mountain razor

Cow- 67 pound Bruin with a 2216 Alum with a two blade Zwickey Eskimo

Cow- 58 pound Black Widow recurve with a 2117 aluminum shaft with a two blade Eskimo

336 Bull- 58 Pound Black Widow recurve with a Heritage 250 shaft and a two blade Eskimo.

All worked well, all got excellent penetration with my 27" draw.
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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #15 on: May 21, 2008, 01:19:00 PM »
I have been fortunate to spend a lot of time elk hunting in quality areas.  

Taken my share of both bulls and cows and more importantly been with other hunters who have also been successful.

I am not optimistic that you can shoot through the scapula of a mature animal with any archery set-up.  May be able to get through the thin part...but through the center ???

(Dr. Asby (sp?)as we all know has done a lot of research and study on this and he could very well be right but its some thing I need to see for myself)

These photos are the real deal.  The first arrow centered the scapula and the second one was through both lungs.

My equipment runs from 55 to 60 lbs, arrow weight of 550 grains.

Another factor.  A scapula hit is a very high hit.  Say you got through far enough to take out one lung...your chances of killing that elk and recovering it are very, very slim.

Even taking out both lungs you are probably not going to have a blood trail and tracking may be extremely difficult.

If you are hunting in the snow then that changes things quite a bit.

While we are talking elk...in my experience, leaving an elk lay overnight really screws up the taste of the meat.  Take the late afternoon shot only if you are prepared to quarter and hang him right then and there.  Your efforts will be rewarded!



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Offline String Cutter

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2008, 04:11:00 PM »
40-45  0% (0)    
45-50  4% (2)    
50-55  16% (9)    
55-60  36% (20)    
60-65  27% (15)    
65-70  14% (8)    
70+  4% (2)
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Offline Talondale

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2008, 04:22:00 PM »
Haven't shot any elk String but just wanted to say the obvious.  Limit your weight selection by what you are able to shoot proficiently.  A heavy bow that you can't pull back cold or can't hold for that extra couple seconds may not be as good a choice as a lighter bow that you feel real comfortable with.  I know, duh, but thought it should be said for the record.

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Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2008, 06:01:00 PM »
Jesse and Bowhunterforlife(Jeff) both hit the nail on the head for me. I have never taken an Elk but I am confident that my 54# bow with a scary sharp head and an arrow that flies perfect will do the job. If ya do not put the arrow in the right spot, no amount of #age will amke a difference. My 54# bow will perfrom as well or better than a lot of 60-65# bows out there. Shawn

Offline beachbowhunter

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Re: elk weight poll
« Reply #19 on: May 22, 2008, 06:33:00 PM »
As usual it looks like I'm firmly at the center of the bell curve...  :p
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