I live and work in Missouri but buy an Illinois archery tag now and then as well. As Missouri season started I had a few good deer to chase but did not get much time to hunt due to work obligations. I only had 3 sits in 2 weeks by the time Illinois bow season opened. So Oct 2nd I headed to Illinois with high hopes. We had cool weather heading in and the IL deer seemed to be cooperating according to trail cams and scouting. I had set up a mock scrape in a historically good spot that has two big ridges coming together in the corner of a crp field. It was getting hit daily by 3 different bucks. Mostly between 7-8am. I kind of had an idea of where they were likely bedding and figured I could get in for a morning sit without getting busted. I started to sneak in early - about 5:45. I was pumped for the sun to rise and with the cool morning, rising thermals and nw wind I was feeling bullet proof! The cherry on top was being tucked into a little pin oak in my .5 about 12ft off the ground. I was set up by 6:05 and at 6:48 I shot this buck at 10 yards while he was standing in the Mock scrape. I love it when a plan comes together. I shot the buck with my Bivouac backland longbow. 60” 42@27. I use a Pat Norris springy with a fixed crawl. Shooting 30.5” Easton axis .500’s with the 5mm collars, standard insert, and 125gr cutthroat 3 blade. The buck went about 70-80 yards and crashed in the crp. Now I can focus on Missouri! Bring on the cold fronts and fall colors! 🙌