Shoot ALOT from a seated position if you plan on sitting a blind. Even go as far as practicing with the clothing you will be wearing.
Whatever seats you plan on sitting on, test them for creeks and squeaks. If you can, incorporate teflon washers with the fasteners. Graphite works great. So does olive oil or spray PAM, the non butter flavored. A quick spray and wipe the excess away. It'll last for a few sits. Maybe less if it gets rained on.
If you have good back cover, you almost don't need anything in the front, but something just knee high is usually perfect.
Do something to make you hands and face blend ..... charcoal, make-up, mask, gloves, whatever you like best and can make work. The cheap Allen mesh gloves you can find at the big W and most sporting goods stores work great and you wont mind cutting off the finger tips or even the palm area on the bow hand as I do. This is not for warmth. It is for concealment.
Do not set up right on the runs. Too close has never been good for me and can ruin that spot.
Have multiple sets (a back up set) prepped ahead of time and ready to go, to deal with changing winds.
Do a very thorough job of cleaning the ground to eliminate foot noise if/WHEN you have to adjust to approaching game.
Also clean a spot to rest a pack or the like on the ground, so when you go to grab something from inside of it (like a snack), you will not be disturbing this item on a bed of crunchy leaves or twigs.
Have a second arrow out of the quiver and positioned for a fast, noiseless, economy of motion grab.....this is clutch if your first one is miss.
Use a Thermacell for bugs!!!!! These do make a faint noise, be aware of that. As far as a smell for the deer, I have not experience them reacting as of yet, though the wind is most likely help with that ..........
Make sure your bow limbs are not going to contact anything when you let one loose. (overhead branches you kept to aid in cover!)
If you plan on walking after them or into them, prepare to downshift big time with regard to your rate of movement. If you told me that it took you an hour to cover 30 yards in a piece of timber or around thick stuff, Id say where was the fire ...... there's no limit to how slow you can go, it'll be about how much time you have to invest in that outing. Really use your eyes each time you think about advancing. Countless times while moving painfully slowly through areas I know deer frequent, they will often find you and come to you it seems, if you have the wind and they have not detected you or witness your movement. You will be motionless. They most likely will be moving or at least moved enough to tip their hand to you! You might be able to make a shot happen.
Did I mention shoot alot from a seated position????