Hey Bronz,
Glad someone gets a little laugh out of my lack of computer skills! My wife thinks the computer is a $2000.00 solitaire machine! She doesn't realize how easy it is to order hunting and fishing stuff with it! I was almost too embarrassed to post the pic, the wall behind the bow rack isn't really that awful "wine" or "burgundy" color. It is called "cabin red" and without the flash from the camera, it is red with a lot of brown in it, a lot like the picture on the cover of this years 3rivers catalog.
Anyway, my pleasure trying to get a pic to you, I know there are a lot of better and more original bow racks out there, but I am as much of a klutz with power tools as I am with a computer I just went with the kit. I like hammers and stuff with no moving parts!
Shoot straight my new friend!