I’ve had problems in both shoulders since the mid 1990’s. Had to switch from left hand to right hand a couple times and drop to under 40# once. Have shot the same 45#@28” bow for 20 years now. At 71 yo, due to a change of diet and exercise, I can now shoot as much as I want without pain. I can draw heavier bows, but can’t see why I need to. I get full penetration on the deer and hogs I hunt, so what’s the advantage of a higher weight bow that I might not shoot as accurately? I’m able to hold at full draw for a while, and I actually get to a little over 28” every time. I see so many archers who brag about shooting heavier weight bows and then leave 6” of arrow hanging out, or hit full draw and creep forward 3 inches every time. Better to shoot a weight that is easily handled and allows you to reach and hold full draw at a solid anchor.
Leaving soon for a hog hunt in Texas, and I am sure that my 45# set up is adequate for anything that I get a chance at.