Let me say Thankyou for letting me join !! Ive been reading the last few days . excellent information. I was wondering where you guys buy your wood to cut your own lams? Im going to take the plunge. I figured Im going to start by making my own tapered lams and hopefully veneers. If I can concentrate on that till i get it down I can move on . I really would like to try maple , hickory and bamboo lams . I want to try to make some asl/Hill style longbows. I willbe building jigs and building a drum sander. I have some tools. Tablesaw, drill press, belt/disc sander, hand belt sander, files, draw knife, card scaper, etc from building board bows. It might take me a while and quite a bit of material to get the hang of it, but Im stubborn , lol. I would love to be able to buy localy . I thought I could buy some of the big box store just for learning and save the good stuff for when I get better.thanks in advance !! edit , what are the sizes you normally buy for lams? full length and 36ers?