In the picture above, I was downwind from this javalena, and made why pretty fast to get within thirty yards. And then when I had the chance I would burst forward 5 to 7 yards to close the gap to thirty yards.
I got to within twenty yards, and the javelina turned broadside twice, but I opted to try and get a little bit closer. Luckily, I was crouched pretty low when he decided to turn around and come back toward me. All I had to hide behind was a blade of grass. He got to within fifteen yards and the wind that was in my face just stopped. It seems there was a bit of lofting going on and he got a wiff.
So he got all hackled up twice, then ladies heckles down almost all the way as he eased off into the brush on the other side of the road. It was still a great rush and really cool that I finally got a stalk.The fourth day here. I really enjoy helping people get started and spotting for them. However, it's always great fun when they turn me.loose.