Well, the last twenty four hours for me was an absolute comedy of errors. I stalked a nice group of javelina, and the last one that was passing me was the biggest one, as I couldn't get a shot at the other eight.
Well, he looked up and figured out that he was being left behind and he was going to catch up.And he just began slow walking. He kept walking through the first gap in the prickly pear, and I started to draw as he was behind a prickly pear still walking. As he strolled into the next opening, I finished my draw and released at the walking target. We'll, at release he decided to just stop for no apparent reason and the arrow flew right in front of his chest.
The entire group decided to go into the bush, only opposite side of the road from me. 2 minutes later, they come back out. Of course they're out of range but headed toward Joe. Joe had one in range that was see me lay honor mary go round and never gave him a shot, and for some reason, they decided to turn around and come back toward me.
I immediately backed in to a makeshift hard.It turned out to be perfect. I was on my knees as they started into my shooting lanes and I had my bow up and ready to go. There were 4 of them kneeling around, and I was just waiting for one to turn perfect for me broadside side at twelve yards, the same distance as the one I shot in front of.
Then someone decides to call my phone that was on vibrate only. The first vibration and all of the heavies raised their head, and the second vibration, they all started looking around confused it seemed. The third vibration synthem packing. 1 minute earlier, it would have been fine 1 minute later. It would have been fine. It just so happens.This person called me at the worst possible moment. So please cut your phones on airplane mode when you stalk.
Hopefully, things will come together for me, because everything that has happened and could have happened has already happened. I only have one way to go, and that's up from here.