Ive been reading a bit here and there trying to utilize good information to make informed decisions when thinking about designing a new bow form.
I am interested in talking risers, Im keen on finding out what your definition of deflexed riser vs forward handle riser.
Id like to know your thoughts on the physics behind the draw and release of the bow, is it just a push pull between the center point of force on the grip and the center of the fingers on the string where the string pulls back to the handle and the handle back towards the string, or are there minor factors i.e. improper release, bow hand grip, poorly tuned arrow, that introduces a side to side torque that transfers to the handle?
Or is the force between the grip and string at fulldraw enough to mitigate this torque if thats the case.
Lastly, deflex, reflex, forward handle, whatever the shape of your riser, Is brace height the only thing that determines the "powerstroke" of the system where the energy transferred to an arrow for the maximum distance on the string while the limbs still have energy to give, which would transfer more energy to the arrow before it comes off the string? Does the handle position matter or is it really where the shelf is in relation to the limbs?