I'm on that train Kirk, everything is modular and on wheels until I can get those features squared away. Still need electric out here I'm running on the skeleton setup
How far from the house to the shop are you? Do you plan on running a welder? Reason i ask was that i was able to run a conduit underground about 30 yards to the house and used some 8 gage solid copper wire i had from changing out our well pump wire years ago. That well pump is a 3HP motor that is 450' from the 220 volt power source. I changed out the std. meter base at the house to a meter main base so i had a seperate circuit going to the shop and used an old 100 amp service for the shop. I've got plenty of juice for all my equiptment.
But unless you are familiar with electrical work, i'd highly recommend talking to an electrician for different ideas on how to do it safely. My neighbor just built his new shop a few years ago, and just ran a new overhead 200 amp service to the shop, and the electric company hooked it up. My shop was too far from the road to do a direct hook up without setting a pole.
I built my 36X36 shop back in 96 and put a wood floor in it. Kirk