First, Hi, I'm new here. I'm a long time bow hunter and I'm coming up on needing to replace my hoyt compound, and I've found that I'm bored of compound bows. I started looking at Robertson and others and then that part of my brain that would rather build than buy lit up and when you combine that with my personality, I'm definitely going to build my own. I went in the woods a cut a hickory down and split a stave out, quick dried it, got it formed and floor tillered, made a flemish twist string, went to string it and it broke. Now with that 3 weeks of work out the window im looking it to laminates. Well, I've been having trouble answering some lingering questions that I have had about how someone decides on materials, thicknesses, tapers, design when building a form to a preferred weight (there are a few good threads I've found on here but I still have seemingly very technical questions that I havn't found answers to.
So I asked perplexity's deep research AI to find the data and generate a report. Now, since the info (if valid) would be super useful to have around here, I would like to check it against the centuries of combined experience on this forum....please. Legends Assemble? How good is this answer? Any issues with it?
This is what I asked:
I am interested in bow making, specifically laminated bow making either with fiberglass back and belly or all wood construction. I am having difficulty finding information and data around how bow design and lamination materials (such as fiberglass, different core woods, veneer woods, etc.) and their lengths, thicknesses, taper rates, and other factors, specifically around how a bowyer chooses materials for a bow design. Please act as a research assistant/professional bowyer and gather data for me that provides insight into the material selection and bow laminating process such that i can begin to effectively design multiple bow types in the future.
Since the reply is so long, I'm going to attach it as a pdf rather than pasting it here, but to me it follows pretty well based on what I've read and watched so far. Super interesting stuff