First of all that is NOT a replica of a hill bow. Please quit claiming that it is. It’s a bastard design and NOTHING close to what Hill built. Not by a mile.
And what makes you think that well built hill bows are slow, have low preload, no backset and gobs of hand shock? And why do you think that you “ heel” a straight grip?
The reality is you don’t because you have never built a real one nor have any experience shooting them.
Like you said, to each his own is a valid point-
So why continue to offer advice and bash hill bows when clearly it’s not your cup of tea? It’s insulting……
I built a bow that came out of that same form and shaped the grip just like the HH design and took it to a shoot in Colorado where they had a good sized Howard Hill club in attendance... I HAVE shot a lot of those bows, and most of them kicked like mules...and ....have photos side by side with a howard hill bow that you couldn't see the difference when strung....
I put that bow in a lot of ASL fans hands too.
The complaints i got from the HH club members was, "It doesn't have that Thump to it." (no hand shock) And "its shooting the arrows too fast"

but the biggest turn off was when they took the string off and saw the reflex built into the limbs. Nope! they were not having it at all.
This is actually a very good shooting design and only has an ,002 FT
I'm not bashing the design... i said i don't build them, and i do not care for them at all for good reason.
I say the same thing about trucks.... I don't care for the small light weight pick up trucks. i want a truck that can carry a load, tow a big boat, and have some horse power under the hood instead of a squirrel cage.
I also know the Howard Hill fan clubs are huge, and the popularity of the straight lay up ASL design mystifies me. You guys can have em... Kirk