Hey All,
Got what is hopefully a simple question, maybe i reading or miss interpreting something wrong.
I am used to measuring brace height from the deepest part of the bows grip to the string at rest, as I'm sure everyone else is as well. My confusion come in as I'm reading the literature on one of vintage recurves that I shoot with.
One has the normal: "Fistmele or Brace height approximately 8" statement from the manufacture, however for the other bow the manufacture states:
Fistmele or Brace height from Face of Arrow Rest Approximately 8".
Am I over thinking this or should I be setting my brace height from the edge of the arrow rest that is closest to me? I just feels like it would be a pretty high brace height vs how I have normally seen or done it in the past. Would there be any disadvantages or advantages to setting it this way.
I have read through a bunch of the old manufacturer's catalogs and it definately states that brace height measurement for certain bows and not others. It's just odd and not what I'm used to seeing.
I appreciate anyone who decided to take some interests this and read my post and any thoughts, opinions, and/or experience would bre greatly appreciated.