Great Guys, I appreciate the advice and experience. I was shooting a grizzly on a steel adapter 200 grains. FOC about 15% Full length gold tip 5575, three 5-1/2" Feathers. Head could shave some hair off my arm. I wouldnt put it to my face though, I assume that is sharp, I have nives that can take all the hair off with extreme ease, but I cannot get the heads to do it. I was in a perfect situation I thought Sitting down behing a make shift blind out of some aspen bows. A 22" 2x2 comes sneaking in Heart pumps a gallon a second, cause I know I am going to get a shot, wind is Ideal...I am going to get a shot, He comes quatering toward me. OK cause brush is covering vitals, now he is almost broadside still brush a little too close... I see an opening ahead I begin to draw just as he stops... How did he hear me???? he pauses and looks slightly to my right. I anchor he's 25-29 paces string slides off fingers...perfect I see the arrow in slow motion Yellow feathers spinning perfect.... Oh yes it is right on the money. Buck drops 5" just enough to hit high and a little forward. He turns about face and i see 32 inches of my 33" arrow swatting flies as he bounds away. Damn,, I am thinking why. why did I not penetrate. why did he hear me draw, On my silent longbow??? Why should I have waited for him to start walking??? quatering away a little more....???? All I know is that was the closest I have been in 4 years of traditional and the funnest der hunt in 17 years with a compound. It was a success all but the "after the shot"
Sorry for the long story but I wanted to put you there. When I found my arrow I was somewhat relieved because I knew there was no arrow fragment left in him and he will live..
If I add aquarium tube to my arrow I am about 725 grains. I think a little too heavy for 55-57 lbs. maybe not, I hunt elk as well, is this too heavy, meaning is my current setup too light.
a little under 60 lbs. with a 600 to 650 grain arrow. I have a 65 lb bow at 28" but by the time I pull all 31" I am at about 70 lbs. I cant shoot it as well with terrible arrow flight mostly with my release.
Thanks for the opinions