Thanks guy's it really is better looking than these pic's can portray, plus it shoots ten times better than it looks....and thats pretty great.
As far as the quiver goes, yeah i made it about 5 months ago, thanks. I keep trying to tell everyone that their shooting on the wrong side of the bow but.... :D
As far as contacting Mike Stegila goes. I've spoken to him quite a few times and i assure you he is doing well and taking orders,this bow i picked up brand new from a friend. Mike may even quit the saw mill and do bows full time here soon, but thats all a matter of time. And he is a true Custom Bowyer, he'll do almost anything you want. i also asked him if i could post his # and said it's all right. So here it is.
and if you have any questions about his story, he would love to tell you. Thanks again Ya'll and if any of you are going to the Union Grove shoot in NC this month and are shooting on the correct side of your bow, come on and give it a try