The A&H ACS CX was the first longbow I ever shot after shooting recurves for the last 50 years since I was 5. I never thought I would like a longbow as much as a recurve, but your bow changed my mind. I bought the riser second hand from Shane Collier (a great guy) and got the limbs within a few days from Larry. That was about a month ago. From the first time I shot the bow I shot it as well as any of my recurves. It is as fast as any of my other bows and faster than some (based on similar draw weights).
Yours is a bow I will keep from now on. I have other favorites too that I also would not part with, but it is good to know that your bows compete with any measured from all performance standards. There is one area where you excel against all my other bows, and that is in the slim design and weight. Even though I have big hands your risers fit me well and I shoot very naturally and comfortably with them with almost no hand torque. If there is one minor item that is inferior to some of my other bows it is in the beauty department. There are definitely other bows out there that a much prettier, but for practical purposes yours look just great. I would rather have a great shooting bow than another pretty face, and that is where I see your bows.
If someone only wanted a single bow to hunt with, I would consider the ACS CX to be one of my top choices, and I know others who feel the same way. Thanks for all your good, hard work in getting these bows out to all your customers. I enjoy working with you guys and I really enjoy the bow. I hope you sell lots of them along with your new recurves.
If you can get the same kind of stability in the recurve as the ACS CX along with better performance (more speed), I can guarantee you I will be sending you a purchase order for one of those recurves. Do you have any idea whether there will be a speed increase for the same weight of bow, and if so, how much to you expect?