In response to all these responses:
Check out for detailed information. Nonresident license are $65, elk permits are $388 for a total of $453. Permits go on sale June 12, can be bought on-line and are unlimited in number. This tag is good for either sex in this area.
Chuck: Got your email. I'm in the process of changing jobs, with a chance I might be relocating. If I'm still in Charleston sharing expenses and company on a road trip is the only way to go. I should know by the end of next week.
Jerry: Season is August 16 - Sept 12. I like the last week best, cooler weather (snow last year) and the boys are in full song.
Jeff: My son drew the special non-resident youth tag 2 years ago. We hunted the same area I bowhunt on the north slope. Killed a nice 5x5 on opening day. What a blast....
Duck: Buying a general tag doesn't hurt your points for the limited areas, besides as of this year you've already got the license. The general areas get hunted pretty hard by the gun hunters but during archery you've got it pretty much to your self. Lot's of country. These are educated elk, not your video or OLN hunts. Drop me a line if you want more details, better yet come on down to the RMEF meeting , June 9, 6:30 at Vickerys on Shem Creek. Just follow the sound of cow calls and bugles to the table of guys drinking beer and shooting the bull.
Rick: Not sure what crawled under your saddle but take it some where else.
Like I stated in my original post, this is not a TV hunt. These are educated elk spread over a large area, but they will answer a call when the conditions are right. The fishing is out of this world and if you've never seen the Uintas you're in for a real treat.