I don't see any cons with a 4-fletch setup, only pros ....
- Dropping down from 5" (or longer) feathers to a 4" (or shorter) feathers nets one fletched arrow from two full length feathers and not three.
- No "steerage" problems ... four smaller feathers track an arrow just fine.
- Arrow speed isn't reduced ... in fact, it could be faster because you don't want or need helical, just offset the feathers a degree or two.
- Allows for lower feather height for better shelf/riser clearance.
- There are lotsa theories and likes/dislikes as to which feather angles to use; they all can be made to work well ... I prefer 75x105 or 90x90 ... YMMV.
- Oh yeah, no nock indexing wanted or needed!
I'm using 4" Vario Hunter feathers at 1/2" height and 75x105 angles with 1.5 degrees offset on a 29" carbon shaft with 350 grains up front for a 585 grain arrow and 29% FOC. They fly like rocket launched darts with a 52-55# longbow.