Is she tall? Strong? Petite and girly? I feel like I am pulling hens' teeth here.
Stock answer would be, I guess, get her a used bow, something she can pull and hold comfortably for twenty seconds or more. An old Ben Pearson Colt 707, a Damon Howatt Triumph,longish target type recurves with medium weight risers. Likely twenty-five to thirty-five pounds for a beginner is good. Add some aluminum shafts of appropriate spine and length (1616 to 1716) and she should be good to go. Bear Grizzly, Ben Pearson All-American or Collegiate, these go for hardly anything and are good solid shooters. If she is small, a Kodiak Magnum, or the discontinued Lady Kodiak may be a good choice.
There was a target Bear, made in the early to mid sixties, called a Polar, but a full recurve instead of the semi-recurve that most Polars are...looked like an elegant, slim Super Kodiak and came in very light weights. I have one that pulls 18# @ 24", zebrawood sight window. Look around, there are any number of bows that will fit your wife.