Sarah, your specs are very close to mine, well, except the age thing... :rolleyes: Feel free to PM me and ask questions.
I went to the Trad Club forum and did a search. Here is a trad organization in your state. I went to the shoot schedule calendar and came up with this. You can navigate the site from there. The most valuable thing that you can do is find trad shoots and get your hands on as many bows as you can. Your small stature makes shorter bows acceptable, (while longer bows are more forgiving, a short draw removes the discomfort of finger pinch) and you will likely be looking for a grip that is not too huge for your hand. Only you will be able to tell if a riser feels to heavy in the hand, or is so light that your bow hand flies all over the place.
I have evolved through solid fiberglass bows into mid-sixties and seventies Ben Pearsons, Damon Howatts and Bears, into Morrisons and Centaurs.
My favorite "cheapie" bows are Bear Kodiak Magnums, Grizzlies, and Super Kodiaks, favorite Ben Pearson is a Colt 707 I got when I was fifteen. I got a BP All-American from a deadbeat-unit-sale at a mini-warehouse and it shoots real well, too.
These are just some ideas I'm throwing out there, there are other members with more up-to-date info on starter three-piece recurves, which ones are made the best, shoot the smoothest and have the best warranties/service. The tip about placing an ad in the trad bow want-ads is a good one, too.
Be sure to read the warnings at the beginning of the forum.