I took the bow I built for my grandson out today to a new construction area that is flat and has plenty of room. I made a 24" arrow out of a 1/4" poplar dowel. I used a nock from the old thin carbon arrows that slip over the shaft and fletched it with three 2" spinwing vanes. With only a tapered end for a point it weighed 182 grains. I made the string with 8 strands of B50 and double thick serving so the arrows would fit right for the grandkids so I'm sure if I cut the strands to 6 and just a couple of inches of serving it would shoot a bit further. I shot 3 times before it started getting dark. Using my nikon lazer rangefinder the first arrow went 142 yards. the 2nd flew terrible and made 130 yards, and the last flew the best for 146 yards. I drew it back about 22" each time so the draw weight was around 16 lbs. I don't have any experience with flight shooting so I don't have any idea if this is any good or not. But it sure surprised me that it shot that far. So what do you guys think?
The grandkids love competition so this summer when my wife and I have the kids for 5 days I'm going to set up a flight competition for them. I better get busy making bows and arrows cause we will have 9 of the grandkids this year.