I feel the same. Went to carbon for the durability, and actually didn`t like the speed.
I couldn`t watch my arrows fly, I couldn`t see the rotation as well.
Thats when I began weighing my carbons down. First then entire shaft was weighed down, then I heard about FOC weight and it`s advantages, and started playing with that.
Now my arrows spin happily and slam the target like a truck. My bow even sounds as if I am shooting a fat, heavy, wood shaft. I have the best flying longest lasting arrows I have ever used.
And the heavy FOC has returned the forgiveness that stiff carbon shafts are noted for not having.
Every year for several in a row, I bumped my arrow weight up and hunted with the new heavier arrows. I found only advantages, and no disadvantages.
I agree 100%, "throw the ball, see the ball".