As kids we use to fling arrows with the bow Dad bought mom when they were first married in the late 50's. It is a Bear Panda. The old bow has been sitting in the barn loft for many, many years collecting dust. I asked Dad if my kids could put it to use, which was just fine.
It is pretty beat up from years of neglect and abuse but I believe it will be a good starter bow for my daughters. It will need a new handle wrap and shelf but I can take care of that. There are a few gouges here and there and one limb has a crack in the fiberglass backing 3 or 4 inches long. Will have to keep an eye on that. The stats written on it says 57" and 24#. Doesn't state what the draw length is for that 24#'s, though.
If any one has any pertainent information on this little Bear I would appreciate it.