Here is the organizational list as I see it at the moment:
Miss Kim - Production Manager
Vance Brewer ( Iron Bull) - C.E.O. (2 shares)
Joe Lasch (Whip) - C.F.O.
Jeff Springer (Tippit) - V.P. - Consumption
Rob Peel (Robtattoo) - Head of Legal Affairs
Dick Easter (Rabbitman) - Chief Security Officer
Kevin Bahr - V.P. - Quantity Control Officer
Doug Campbell - Audit Manager
Walt Francis - VP - Weights and Measures
Dave Tice (Tique) - Chief Engineer
Brent Bassi (bbassi) - VP- Credit Administration
Ron Andrews (BigRon)- Kitchen Maintenance
Tim Roberts - Corporate Training
Gregg Dudley - VP-Leisure Activities
Andrew Reniff (Drewsbow) VP-Research/Development
Steve Tottingham (Curveman) - Compliance Officer
Mel Riley (Irish) - VP- Human Resources
Skyler Wilson - President
Brent McCormick (Hormoan) - Corporate Communications Officer
Steve Osminski (Steve O) - Design Engineer
Dave Stinson (Hunt It) - Corporate Hit Man
John Vernachio (Third Eye) - Biochemist
Hope I didn't miss anybody, but that does work out to $1,100 !!! Not bad for the first 48 hours!
We're still holding a position open for you Biggie! :D