Camo patterns include Mothwing Mountain Mimicry (EXTREMELY versatile, and Sitka's signature pattern), the new Mossy Oak TreeStand, and a Realtree AP pattern. There are also some solids available.
This past weekend at Compton was my first opportunity to see some of the new '08 innovations and like Biggie said, the more I learn about it, the more I like it.
I sat in the Sitka booth with Mike Mitten and Steve Osminski with Darryl Quidort and Denny Sturgis and maybe another guy or two lending a hand as well. I was very encouraged by the interest traditional archers are showing this product. We were busy almost non-stop with people stopping by and checking out the new gear, sizing it, etc.
Like many of you, I have a love for simple things and that includes plaids and wool and stinginess (is that a word?). My success pictures over the years bears this out, with many fine animals taken wearing a simple Wal-Mart shirt-jac in plaid. But I believe Sitka is making a major effort to listen to what bowhunters want and need from their equipment, and that includes a pro staff largely of traditional shooters.
Biggie hit on an important point: packability. It also will dry out quickly in camp. The new raingear has 4-way stretch. Tapered arms and a fit on tops that makes string clearance a cinch. Feature after feature... I believe mine will last 20 years (assuming I don't gain any more weight), which makes it a pretty practical investment after all.