Wow Alex. Sorry to hear you feel that way about Sitka. But to each an opinion. For the record:
Sitka Gear has been designed by former design members of Arctryx (sp?). I'm sure you'll know that name. The owners of Sitka Gear went directly to the mountaineering community in an effort to produce functional, dependable, highly efficient hunting clothing that more closely resembled "mountaineering gear".
Presently, Sitka is the leader in this crossover transition. However, we are now seeing other outdoor clothing companies duplicating or at least attempting to do what Sitka Gear has done.
Regarding the Celsius line? I have seen and worn it. It is Sitka's answer to sedentary, cold weather hunting. I found the Celsius to be comfortable, warm, water resistant, and highly functional. Is it as warm as heavy wool? In my opinion...its very close. Where the Celsius line excels, is in its ability to keep you warm, while not impairing movement due to bulk and weight. For a treestand hunter, the Celsius also improves safety, due to its ability to keep you warm while still allowing movement. I will not bash heavy wool (because I have worn it and until Sitka came along I was an avid user of it). I will however say that the Celsius line now gives us all another option regarding "warmth to weight ratio"
For the record: I am the pro Staff Director for Sitka. But, I would wear Sitka even if I did not have a relationship to the company. Before I was the Pro Staff Director, I was a friend of Jason Hairston and Jon hart (The company owners). They are first class "Traditional" bowhunters. They asked me to wear the Sitka and to put it to the test. Believe me after 4 months in Montana (Sept-Dec)I put my Sitka thru the ringer. It did very well. So you know...I'm extremely hard on my gear.
After the 06', season I told Jon and Jason what I thought about the Sitka and where I thought it could be improved. Please know they did in fact make those improvements and they continue to look for ways to improve upon an already outstanding product.
What everyone should know is this: The owners of Sitka are good men who not only particpate in, but also support the traditional bowhunting community. They have gone to great lengths to design and market a highly functional, and effecient hunting garment. The products are superior. Yes, they are more expensive than many of the other hunting/outdoor garments on the market. But, to risk a 'cliche'...Regarding Sitka Gear, "You get what you pay for".
All Sitka products come with a guarentee and a promise that we at Sitka stand behind. I think as time passes we will continue to see advances in the Sitka products and we will continue to see Sitka's committment and support, to not only the hunting community but more selfishly the "traditional bowhunting faction".
I hope this will clarify some concerns. Alex, we at Sitka respect and appreciate your opinion. Should you decide to try some Sitka gear we look forward to your feedback.
Happy hunting!
Peter Iacavazzi
Pro Staff Director Sitka Gear
[email protected]