I read on a thread here recently (or could have been the 'other' site), where somebody was wanting another second-hand Fox bow. However he stipulated it had to be made by Ron Fox and not the current bowyer, Ron King.
I was just wondering what the difference in the bows are - just as a matter of interest. Has anybody shot both and made a comparison? I could not imagine how the Fox bows could be any better than the King bows.!!
I have just recently received my new Royal Crown that R. King made. I can comfortably say it is the most sumptuous, gorgeous, tack-driving bow that I have managed to wrap my grimy maulers around. I have spent thousands over the years searching for a great bow - this is it.
I have just flown to Sydney for a bit of a break, and it would have been much easier to pack my T/D bow to bring on the plane. However with a Royal Crown sitting in the armoury, one had no choice but to lug along the pvc tube - to suffer the inconvenience of the extra burden - just to be able to shoot that baby whilst on holiday.
Any thoughts on these two bows would be appreciated.