The old saying, "sometimes it is better to be lucky than good" sums up the story of the boar I shot this weekend very well.
Decided to set a stand in a spot I have regularly seen pigs feeding since it was going to be so hot and I did not feel like running around too much. Had seen very little daytime movement due to the extremely hot temps we had in GA this past weekend. I heard some pigs having a disagreement in the swamp from my stand but they never showed. I got down about 30 minutes before dark to check some other areas but had no luck finding pigs that evening.
The heat and lack of action Friday evening and Saturday made me lazy Sunday morning and I slept in till 7 am. Got up and due to the heat, decided to pull my stand and head for home. As I was nearing my stand, I noticed pigs feeding about 25 to 30 yards away. They appeared to be feeding down the trail towards me, so I nocked an arrow and waited for the action to begin. There appeared to be 4 or 5 in the group including one that looked almost white but it was the big black one that was heading my way. I had stopped behind a small sapling for cover, but as the boar came around the bend, he noticed something was out of place or rather, something new was in place that wasn't the last time he came thru the area. As he turned to move off into the planted pines, he gave me a good broadside at about 15 yards and I took it. He went down within sight.
I could have used you Terry when I tried to load that rascal in the truck.
I think I will buy a lottery ticket after shooting pigs my last two trips to The Paradise.