same issues... first it was just muscle pain, now some arthritis is showing up. (I'm 70) I looked at the situation and decided I could either drop a little weight and shoot for another year or two, or drop a lot of weight and keep shooting for maybe a long time. I was shooting 50 - 55 pound bows, mostly. I dropped all the way down to 35 and am even having a great time with a 31 and a 29! Did very well (for me) at the 3D this weekend with both of them. I am having a ball and shooting better than ever at the light weight.
Of course, you can still overdo... I shot four full and two partial rounds of a 40 target 3D course at the Flint Tip this weekend, plus some practice range time. The guys I shoot with don't keep score, and we'll shoot again at targets we miss. I figure all told, with the practice, I had to have pulled over 300 shots. Gotta admit the shoulders sore this morning.
This won't help you hunters much, but I have kept a couple of 45 pounders which could hunt if I ever wanted to. I can shoot them for what would amount to a hunting situation, i.e. a few shots, just not for a full practice session or several 3D rounds in one day.
So, if you are having problems, try "Archery Lite... It's more fun... NO, it's less painful... More fun... Less paingul.." Wait a minute... didn't somebody use something like that for an ad campaign already?
Dick in Seattle