Doug, there is no set time frame for submitting video. Terry said he'll just accept video until he gets enough to produce a DVD.
If we receive all the videos that folks said they will send, and in a timely manner, I suspect we'll have enough before November. Don't let this keep you from using that camera in November. I don't know if this is to be a one shot deal or a continuing offering of TradGang. Terry/Rob are investing some money on this and I doubt they will want to continue doing so if they are not able to at least break even on the project. Not only would this be costly but would demonstrate a lack of interest, and suggest it not worth pursueing. Any extra footage we receive that does not appear on this DVD may be used in future projects if they happen, or possibly used in clips posted in Members Video Forum.
Yes, VHS is fine. Make sure you aquire the footage in SP mode and if at all possible submit the original tape(s). There is considerable loss in quality when dubbing analog.