Does anyone have that one know the one that just happens to shoot right where you want it,first time every time?????
I just love shooting old Bear recurves.I have a small collection and I just love to grab an old Bear,string it up,and go fling some arrows.
BUT.....It's usualy "hit or miss" no pun intended
HOWEVER.....I have a Mikuta longbow that is just magic!!!!! It seems that more times than not,I take that bow out back and pound arrows into the kill zone time after time. (and when I miss it's perfectly clear that it was MY FAULT!!!!!)
I know you folks (and myself included) feel that you can never have "too many" bows,and some folks buy and sell/trade,to make it easier to afford "new" bows. BUT.....
How many of you have that one bow.....that is so much a part of you that it would be like getting rid of one of your kids.....or your DOG!!!!! How many of you have that one bow.....
Tell us about it!!!!!