After thinking about retiring and moving to a nicer climate than SW Michigan. I thought hey why wait I may not live that long. So I rented a 22' truck and trailer, packed my stuff and headed out. Ended up where for the last 10 years I thought I wanted to be. Arizona! I am temporarily in Glendale but will end up in Prescott. Just spent the last 4 days there learning the town and looking for work. My first stop in town was to meet our own Chortdraw. Great choice on my part :D Dale is a super nice guy with a hugh talent. For those of you who do not know him, he is a super talented but retired wood carver. That just also makes a super fine looking longbow. I now have to sweet talk him into making me a lefty.
A big thanks to Tradgang, I got into town and had friends to shoot with and enjoy time with
It just don't get any better than that!