I'm a newbie to bowhunting. I am looking for a broadhead for turkey hunting and I wanted to find the widest cut possible to hopefully avoid the bird getting very far. I am looking at Simmons Tree Sharks with the bleeder blades in (190 gr.). These are a 2" cut - awesome! But, is that too wide? A well placed 2" broadhead should be devastating, but can I expect such a wide blade to fly well? How about penetration on a turkey?
Same Q. for deer? I'm shooting a longbow, drawing about 52# at 29", with about a 500gr. total weight/31" carbon arrow. Can I expect a 2" wide broadhead get full penetration on a deer, out to say 20 yards, or is that just too wide to expect pass through with a moderate draw-weight setup? If a wide broadhead is indeed good for turkeys, should I go to a more modest width head for deer?