I was going to leave it at that, but here goes: After talking with Chad (LBR here on the 'Gang or recurves.com), and just his honesty, I surprised him with an order. Bow is a "custom" for me, 56#@32", and the woods and accents I wanted. At the time of my order, wait was 6 months, and it was within weeks of that. When I pestered him, Chad always had a quick update. Bow is a 68" Crusader LB. Not the fastest, but that doesn't matter here. Quiet, stable, forgiving, and pretty. I also ran into a little "glitch" where I ended up with a crack developing in the handle after 3 months or so - nothing to do with the bowyer. Chad immediately got to Marc, who started on a replacement immediately. Completed the bow, and shipped it to me, and even refunded my money that it cost to ship the other one back. Didn't need to get the bow back to ship the replacement. Darn good bow!!!!!
Because of that I picked up a used Hunter II Recurve. I'm a longbow guy, so it doesn't get used much, but it too is a decent bow.
ChekMate skims under the radar around here, but those of us who have them, really like them. Tremendous value, decent performance, and outstanding service. I also know that Marc offers a great priced refurbishing service on his bows. There is a reason you don't see many used ones for sale.