Well, I've used both, but only from heavy bows. With the WW I've collected an experience that could be used to criticise them, but I've also collected two great experiences with which to praise them. With Snuffers, I had four pass-throughs on four goats. Obviously I don't have anything like a definitive study on them. They obviously work fairly well (just look at all the game taken with both). Something that bothers me, though, is the advertising nonsense that 3Rivers (and I love 3Rivers; they provide excellent service to Australia) uses to promote the WW, saying that no big game animal is safe from them, that they have more penetrating power than any other broadhead, etc. Anyone who tries to use a WW on a water buffalo or elephant is running huge risks, going against common sense, and needs to give himself an uppercut. Other game, no worries (with enough bow and arrow). I have a heap of heavies just freshly made-up wearing WWs. But they are not for buffalo.