I have a set of Samick Spirit recurve limbs that I am attempting to build a riser for and want to also make some antler burr bolts to mount the limbs. However, these limbs have brass "bushings" attached to them for flat head bolts.
I am sure I could somehow attach the antler burrs to some flathead bolts, but I don't want too and don't think that would look as good. So I want to remove these bushings from the limbs.
Has anyone ever done this successfully or have any suggestions on the best way to go about it without causing damage to the limbs? I have a few ideas, but want to see what the "experts" on here have to offer.
Just so everyone can see what I am talking about, here are some pictures of the "bushings".

One thing to note is the "bushing" only goes about halfway through the hole of the limb, as can be seen in this last picture.