I have 3 bows that I continue to shoot and they are stored on pegs as show in the photo strung. I called Martin archery factory several years ago, they were one of the first to sell a stringer with all there bows. I asked if I should string and or unstring the bows I have in the archery shop ? I(t would seem I would unstring on Monday and then by the weekend I would have a customer come in and ask to see the bow and have to string it again. I was told they had as a test a bow that was strung and left that way over several years and never lost a oz of bow weight. I also was told most bow are damaged in the process of stringing or unstringing. They suggested never string or unstring a bow without the use of a bow stringer. They also said with the new material that bows do not have the concern of taking a set as with self bows etc, these bow should always be unstrung after each use. I now leave the bow shop bows strung during the peak selling periods of Aug thru DEC...IN jan I unstring these bows.