Ray, that's funny that you would say "your not familiar with our hogs out here" and I think your right, because YOUR hogs aren't anything like our hogs, LOL
It amazes me how different hogs can be by region.
I have only hunted hog on the main land and Islands over here in cali.
This is the oldest hog we have ever killed or even found a skull this old.
The Island hogs never got into a fight, they would growl, huff and puff at each other but never engage, also out of a few hundred kills we never had a broken tusk.
The mainlanders fight every day, with brutal, savage and vicious battles like I have never seen, there scars have scars, it's rare that a boar has not broken a tusk.
As far as where are the skulls of the old boars, you got me? maybe aliens, like in the move Predator.