I came up for an idea for an everlasting lightweight, any size you want target that should cost less than 50 bucks to build and child can do it. It's going to have replaceable targets for deer, turkey, bullseye.
Going to make a thread I guess.
The idea is rather than have it punctured, I'm going to use blunts. It's going to be a box stuffed with cushioning, carpet, tarp, and fabric.
The idea is a cardboard front that slides in front of target and is held in place can have whatever you want painted on it. and then once it puncture the target it'll hit a layer of puncture proof cushioning that will absorb the shot, but not spring the arrow back. the cardboard should hold the arrow in place.
Cardboard is free or cheap if you're so lazy you go buy it. and I figure I can make a square box with cushion and a slot for cardboard to slide into pretty darn cheap.
I shot a fist sized hole in my target after 2 months. I just got into archery but I ain't paying 40 dollars for something I shoot through every 2 mos.