Don, I killed 3 deer and a hog with those this past season, but I never did hit a shoulder blade. That is about the only thing I worry about not shooting through to begin with. What I did seem to notice, and it could be imagining it, was I seemed to be getting less penetration than normal on soft tissue hits. The first deer was broadside at 10 yards. I normally stick it in the dirt on the other side on those shots, but the arrow only penetrated up to the fletching. That kinda had me concerned. I usually get pass throughs on 75% of my shots, but I failed to get a pass through on any of the 4 critters I shot with the single bevel. Not saying it doesn't work, I just don't think it works well with this blade profile. I've since gone back to the double bevel version.
If you haven't read it, Dr. Ashby has a good write up about it in his last report. I believe it starts around page 22.