Hi all. Great site.
Have to give a nod to Ron at KME sharpeners for directing me here. This is my very first post. My questions are mixed in with a bit of background information.
I am quite new to archery in general and have recently made a 50 lb. at 27 and 1/2" drawlength unbacked hickery flatbow. It is 68" NTN. I have been shooting it for over a month now and although I can reach anchor I have to admit it's hard pull for me. Despite warmup stretches I still am finding a lot of aches in my 55 year old shoulders. Most recently I pulled something in my middle finger of my right hand. It swelled up and presently I can't shoot as I draw the string back with this hand. I really wonder if finger injuries are common. I have no idea how long this finger will be acting up but I rested it a week and tried to draw the bow 1/2 way today and it immediatly got pretty sore. Usually I read about shoulder injuries so this was unexpected.
Anyway I have decided to thin the limbs so I drop down 10 lbs to a 40 lb drawweight. That is the legal minimum here in BC for deer. All my shafts and arrows are 45/50 spine weight to match the 50 lb bow. Is there a way to reduce the spine weight to match what will soon be a 40 lb bow? It looks like I may have to order new 35/40 weight shafts. I can't afford a fancy spine tester at the moment and really don't want to buy new shafts and make new arrows. With hunting season less than 60 days away I don't want to start building another bow at the moment. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.