Re the "Texas heart shot"- ethics do seem to change with the times. In a hunting magazine years ago, an article was published along the lines of, "Would you take this shot?" Each photo of a game animal had an opinion accompanying it from a known and respected archer. Under the photo of a big buck butt-on to the camera, Fred Bear was the commentator, and he said it was a good shot- lots of big blood vessels in the ham, and deer go down quickly when shot there. I've seen several deer taken with a ham shot, including a couple of my own when something went wrong at the shot, but I don't think anyone today would advocate doing it deliberately. Personally, I'm a heart-and-lung kind of guy.
Ethics come from within one's self, not from someone else's opinion. Fred also said, on the back of a six-pack of Bear Razorheads that I have that were packaged in the '60's, that an animal should never be shot with a two-blade head alone, that the bleeder insert should always be used for the head to be effective (my paraphrasing). By his standard at that time, many of us are unethical in our choice of broadheads.
Biggie is right, of course. We as a group, and individually as well, should never advocate attempting to take a game animal of any kind unless we are very certain of a quick and humane kill. The high-percentage shot is always the best, period.