I just ordered 15 of the 150 grain two blade plain edge from Braveheart. Based on my experiences with knife blades that have serrations, I have tended to prefer plain blades because they cut better unless you are trying to cut through something that wants to slide out of the way like nylon rope or webbing. I guess there might be something in an animal that is like that, but having cut up hundreds of big game animals from antelope to elephant, I have found a plain, very sharp blade to be better overall on tissue than a serrated blade. I can understand how Mike at Magnus might like the buzzcut better because it "tears" tissue while cutting it so that there is more damage to the tissue that is penetrated. Of course, this would imply that there would generally be less penetration too. On animals like deer where there is often a pass through anyway, who needs more penetration? But if I am shooting at elk, kudu, eland, grizzly or some other animal where penetration with bows of my draw weight is critical, every little bit helps in getting an arrow to the vitals and hopefully through the other side. If I were going after really heavy game like buffalo, I would go with something like the Silver Flame or a single bevel Grizzly, not any Stinger. All this theoretical thinking really doesn't mean much though. I ought to go with the guy (Mike) who makes these broadheads, has used all of them, and thinks the buzzcuts are the best. After all, the only thing that counts is performance in the field. I guess I am just way too stubborn to accept reality!